A warm welcome to our dwelling Prieschka!
The dwelling which opened in 2004 is located in Prieschka, a part of the spa town Bad Liebenwerda. In the north-eastern region of the site, as a part of the nature park Niedraulitzer Heidelandschaft, the national park Alte Röder is located. The comfort and qualities of a health resort, as well as the closeness to nature, are wonderfully intertwined and offer the ideal foundation for the rural location.
The quiet and beautiful location, between fields and groups of trees, of the house offers its 40 residents safety and peace without, however, being cut off from the outside world. Excellent connections to public transport services enable relatives to access adequate mobility.
A life like at home
Intensive support and inclusion orientated life takes place in the modern and bright dwellings as well as taking care and supporting residents who are strongly care orientated. Our team is composed of registered nurses and remedial therapists and cares for the residents around the clock.
We offer activities in the workshop, in the garden or domestic tasks to our intensive support residents. Especially popular among our residents are the leisure activities in our surroundings. A daily shopping group with minibuses, sport activities such as bowling and visits to the close thermal bath and excursions enable a lively exchange and the pursuit of the idea of inclusion.
Well taken care of in the community
Holiday journeys are also a popular leisure activity, which are made possible for every resident individually. The spring celebration takes place once a year and is a wonderful event for residents, family, friends and relatives.
Meals are being consumed in individual residential groups in the common rooms which are bathed in light and have their own kitchen. They are equipped with modern and contemporary furniture with special charm. Depending on their abilities, residents help actively with the preparations of the meals. In addition an extensive daytime program is being offered including doing handicraft work together and other activities for cognitive stimulation.
Living a self-determined life
Small residential groups are assigned to each individual living area which has a spacious veranda which was co-designed by our residents. A close contact person for each resident provides personal care and support. Thereby we can guarantee to pay attention to every wish and to the need of care of every resident individually.
Our very own Snoezelen rooms, which are furnished lovingly, enable an improvement of the sensitive perception and at the same time, of the individual relaxation with calm sounds and changing color play.
Guests are of course always welcome during these activities. Our care team works around the clock for the well-being of our residents. Thereby we are following an integral nursing approach which is aligned to the needs of the residents.
The quality of life and the well-being of our residents are our highest goals. Thereby the common life is in the foreground.
If you are interested we will gladly invite you to visit us personally in order for you to get an idea of our houses on site.
Our services for your well-being:
- Spacious and green outdoor area
- Bright and big rooms – individually designable
- Excursions in groups together
- Eat-in kitchen
- Physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy
- Hair dresser and foot care
- Snoezelen room
pro civitate Pflege und Betreuung gGmbH
Wohnstätte Prieschka
Am Elstergrund 18
04924 Prieschka