Care under the banner of humanity
Pro civitate is active in several states in Germany and operates more than 20 completely stationary nursing homes, increasingly assigned to these homes are welfare centers and outpatient services. In order to meet the increasing demand for pro civitate nursing homes and to invest into the future, additional nursing homes are planned or already in realization.
In the nursing homes of pro civitate over 1.400 people in need of help and care, find a stimulating environment which will also prove to satisfy their needs as 1.200 competent employees care for them in the most professional way.
Plans of residential complexes in close relation to already existing or new uprising stationary nursing homes support the development of assisted living as an alternative to stationary care. Affiliated to several stationary nursing homes pro civitate has over 151 homes at its disposal which have already been completed or are still in realization. Therefore people in need of care can choose from a broad range of health and support services.
The nursing principles are directed towards the common goal to offer people in need of care a humane and independent life.
The partly centuries old experience and nursing tradition of many houses of pro civitate guarantees praxis orientated support and care with high quality standards. The responsible body feels the need to secure and to improve high quality care even when the financial development of the state budget and personal income is uncertain. Pro civitate supports the implementation of these principles by offering further training and qualifications to its employees regarding modern care management. For this purpose a modern quality assurance system is introduced.
Adaption to modern standards of internal organization and constructional and technical equipment relieve the execution of up to date care and support. Last year, pro civitate has brought an extensive modernization and new construction program on its way, which will be continued steadily.