Attractive elderly-friendly two-room apartments
All apartments are step less and equipped with senior friendly sanitary rooms. The individual apartments and storage rooms are easily accessible via a lift. A completely equipped common room is available for convivial gatherings.
In close proximity to the nursing home
Everyday necessities can be bought twice a week at a mobile shopping cart. A spacious green area with opportunities for seating, in a quiet setting, can be used for long walks or to just enjoy a moment in nature. You can find parking spaces at the house as well as the opportunity to call the bus-service.
An organized, free of charge transport service allows trouble-free errands in the surrounding area. An emergency call service is also available and offers additional security. According to individual wishes, a mobile nursing service can be used. Midday meals, home cleaning and further services including foot care or a hair dresser in the house can individually be booked.
pro civitate g.GmbH
Seniorenzentrum Priorau
Feierabendheimstraße 1a+1b
06779 Raguhn-Jeßnitz, OT Priorau