Our full-stationary nursing homes
We do not only offer sustainable quality of life but in addition we ensure your personal well-being. We provide an environment in which people and their needs are at the focus of our efforts (with heart and mind.) Individual aspects such as a pleasant living environment, regular contact to family and friends and other residents, individual mobility as well as medical and social care are being considered in our supply concept in our nursing homes.
This is the reason why we feel obligated in our objectives to the principle of people having the right of self-determination. Our assistances are therefore aimed at giving you the opportunity to have a self-determined life within your capability. We place particular value in your active participation in care measures with the aim to reduce the extent of care needed or to contain further development. Opposed to supply care, rehabilitation and the maintenance of competences are the focus of our attention.
One of the tasks of stimulating nursing is the implementation of preventive and supportive measures as well as the support of autonomy and mobility training. We encourage our residents to arrange their daily routines as independent as possible in different areas of everyday processes. In addition to the usual activities we also offer occupational therapies in communities.
Human needs come first
We work according to the principle of primary nursing in residential groups so that returning structures give security and guarantee well-being. This offers our residents a manageable environment, in which an optimum of stimulation, the support of situation awareness through information brokerage, the strengthening of cognitive competences and the encouragement of motivation are made possible. Human needs come first- according to them, our care is organized.
Our facilities offer the complete spectrum of basic care, individual treatment and domestic care. A homely atmosphere with your well-being guaranteed, goes hand in hand with our claim to offer a secure and protected living environment. We also encourage the individual designing of our houses by our residents, which do not only lead to personal charm in common rooms and corridors but which also lead to a higher self-esteem and the elderly appreciating their own work.
Our individual nursing homes are modern furnished houses in which it is possible to lead a self-determined life, regardless of the need for care. The majority of our rooms are single rooms which you can gladly complete with your own furniture and which you can arrange according to your own wishes. Enjoy security and safety as well as extensive privacy.
Particularity Dementia
We see a particular responsibility in the therapeutically care for residents suffering from dementia. There is a variety of concepts applied in our nursing homes including basal stimulation, reality-oriented training or integrative validation.
In doing so it is constantly our aim to restore the self-esteem of our residents, to improve verbal and non-verbal communication, to strengthen the physical well-being as well as their mobility and to hinder the retreat into the inner isolation.
Moving into a nursing home
Moving somewhere else is also, to a certain extent, connected with changes. We will always be at your side with every upcoming task or question. Our extensive consulting and social care already start before the admission of a resident. We provide psychosocial assistance in the first weeks for every new resident. In this regard the system of primary nursing makes an important contribution. The resident will have a reference nurse at his/her side. This nurse will be the main contact person for all issues concerning the organization and the implementation of support and care measures and is supposed to guide the resident through the new situation safely. Our nursing homes are supposed to become a new home.
One glance – Our services
Safety through the 24h emergency call
The 24h emergency call guarantees maximum safety. Qualified employees, who offer competent and fast care in emergencies, are available at day and night.
Event Program
We ensure a stimulating and diversified event program in all of our nursing homes. We make sure that every resident is satisfied with the range of our program. The activities range from cooperation with schools and kindergartens to short external activities, day trips and art-, music- and gymnastics sessions.
Catering - also with room service
We ensure several rich and balanced meals on a daily basis. In a lot of nursing homes it is possible for residents to cook independently in eat-in kitchens. On request or when required we are happy to serve you your meal in your room.
Housekeeping services, driving- and shopping service
Our service includes the support and takeover of daily domestic activities. Our residents can therefore decide on their own which necessary tasks they want to carry out and which tasks should be completed by us in order to make their everyday life easier.
Craftsmen- and handymen services
Selbstverständlich kümmern wir uns in unseren Häusern auch um die technische Instandhaltung. Dabei ist es unerheblich, ob es sich um Reparaturarbeiten an selbst mitgebrachen Möbelstücken unserer Bewohner und Bewohnerinnen handelt oder um Einrichtungsinventar.Naturally we care for the technological maintenance in our houses. In doing so, it is irrelevant if the furniture belongs to the equipment of our houses or if the residents have brought them with them, either way it will get fixed.
Assistance with official matters
Especially for elderly people a visit to public authorities can quickly turn into an overextending situation. Therefore we offer competent help with official matters to every resident.
Securing medical care
Our residents can count on our houses offering medical care around the clock. Thereby we work closely together with their family doctors and their specialists.