Dementia – we can help
More and more people suffering from dementia live in our houses today. We look after them in a special way. Very often they need special care and attention. It is our aim to let them live together with residents who are not suffering from dementia as long as it is agreeable for both sides. Living together means more quality of life and pleasure.
The main aim of our treatment is to preserve the individual quality of life and to take the individual needs of the residents into consideration. In the course of common biography- and family-work we admit each new resident individually so that we get to know the person with his past and his habits.
Our concept has the following general targets for people suffering from dementia
- Preservation of his/her identity
- Preservation of his/her skills and capabilities in different areas of life
- Actively counteract loneliness and isolation
- Building new relations
- Strengthening his/her self-esteem
- Increasing his/her mobility and wellbeing
- Experiencing security
- Supporting self-awareness
Our Care
We rely on a multitude of measures and concepts, in our locations that help us reach our goals for the benefit of our inhabitants. These measures and concepts are well-suited to each other and their effectiveness has also been proven by scientific analyses. They overlap and thus form a holistic and harmonious care concept. Creating the environment and working on the individual biography, for example, build an ideal symbiosis when it comes to providing the physical conditions that offer an up-to-date nursing level, as well as well-loved items of furniture.
All our nursing activities are individually suited to the residents. The physical and the intellectual condition as well as the biographical background and the individual preferences play an important role. Regarding the nursing of people who suffer from dementia the inclusion of the family, the surrounding medical conditions, like family doctors, and other persons to whom they relate very closely, is of special importance. Trust in our many years of experience. You are in good hands at our place.